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What: Lavender, an herb belonging to mint family, is a purple flowering plant grown across the world. The plant grows best in dry, well-drained soil with access to full sun. The blooms have are very fragrant both fresh and dried. Lavender is widely used in herbalism, aromatherapy, and in cosmetics for its soothing, anti-septic, and anti-inflammatory properties. The herb has also been know to effectively treat acne, burns, bruises, and infections (Wiki).

Origin: Lavender is usually used in the form of essential oil or hydrosol. The essential oil is obtained by distillations of the lavender flowers. Hydrosol is the recondensed water obtained from the distillation process (Wiki).

Products Found In: Lavender is used in a variety of cosmetic products, including salves, ointments, lotions, creams, and perfumes. La vender is also widely used in aromatherapy to reduce stress and relieve anxiety.

Alternative Names: Lavandula angustifolia, Lavandula spica, Lavandula vera, Lavandula officinalis (Wiki). Lavandula Angustifolia Essential Oil; Lavender Essential Oil (EWG).

Variations: Lavender includes 39 species.

Toxicity: Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is generally classified as non-toxic or harmful(EWG). Lavender essential oil has come under scrutiny as having possible estrogenic effects, though further research has not been able to prove this. Lavender has been shown in certain studies to casue photosensitivity, so care should be taken when using prior to extended sun exposure. It is also advised by some to avoid regular use of lavender while pregnant or nursing. (Wiki).